Try dive booking

Try dive booking in Tossa de Mar

A Try Dive is a first underwater experience, an initiation. It consists of a sea dive with diving equipment to a maximum depth of 10 meters. You will be accompanied and supervised at all times by an experienced instructor and in a controlled environment.

In this relaxed and controlled way, you will experience the sensations of breathing underwater for the first time and you will feel weightless as if you were an astronaut. The Try Dive is an activity that you can do alone or with your partner, or with your group of friends, co-workers or family. Spend a different day in the company of your loved ones or meet new friends! And, in addition, as it is done in Tossa de Mar, you will observe the incredible underwater life that is found here. Try dive booking.

Would you like to explore the underwater world and feel the thrill of breathing underwater? If you want to have a unique and unforgettable experience, book a Try Dive.

All you need to bring is your swimsuit, towel, and a sense of fun. We

take care of the rest: the equipment, the insurance, the theory and the practice. Try dive booking

Before starting your baptism, you must fill out the following questionnaire to check if you need to undergo a medical Statement –Medical Statement

Número de personas Precio por persona
1 persona 60€
2-3 personas 55€
4-6 personas 50€


Selecciona una actividad:
Duration and Program
  • The experience takes about 2 hours (approx)
  • Theoretical module
  • Dive in the sea
Activity material
  • Necessary material for the dive
  • Insurance during the activity
  • The activity will be directed EXCLUSIVELY by authorized PADI professionals with EXPERIENCE
Experience Requirements
  • Minimum age 8 years
  • To know how to swim
  • Not have serious health problems. Before starting your baptism, you must fill out the following questionnaire to check if you need to undergo a medical statement check. – Medical statement
  • Not being pregnant
  • Do not catch a plane within 12 hours of the activity
  • Do not forget to bring flip flops, a swimsuit and a towel for the shower and a desire to have fun and have a good time
  • Diving is easy and safe
  • We do Try DIves EVERY DAY and ALL YEAR